Chapter 38
Dance Masters of America, Inc. is an International Non-Profit Educational Organization of dance educators, who have been certified by test to teach; have had a professional dance career; or have a degreed certification from an approved institution of higher education. Dance Masters of Canada (DMC) is a regulated chapter under Dance Masters of America, the oldest teaching organization, in North America.
DMC is a professional certified membership organization of artists and educators, committed to the elevation of the art of dance, and to providing innovative artistic experiences for the advancement of dance worldwide.
DMC strives to present, and maintain excellence by presenting workshops, conferences, and educational opportunities for artists and educators to build an exceptional knowledge base of teaching practices, and theoretical comprehension.
Educators who are certified under DMC are recognized worldwide for their high level of training, and dance education background.
DMC is governed by an established Board of Directors. Members of DMC benefit from annual training programs, intensives, rejuvenation seminars, and teaching manuals which are regulated under Dance Masters of America. Individuals wishing for membership, go through an in depth examination process prior to receiving the DMC stamp of certification. DMC is proud to be a chapter of an organizational body which has thrived in dance education for over 100 years. Learn more about the national organization: Dance Masters of America.
DMC follows the same objectives as it's governing body, Dance Masters of America:
To enable dance educators and their students to meet for a cooperative and collective study of their profession
To advance the art of dance and improve the practices of its teachings
To strive for the mutual interest and fraternal cooperation of its members
To aid young dancers and dance teachers by awarding educational dance scholarships to accredited colleges; private schools of dance, educational and/or DMA educational workshops or conventions