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I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself,


My name is Trish Thompson-Creamer, and I have been appointed your new President. I am really excited about this opportunity. I hope that together, as members of this wonderful organization, we can continue to share our love for dance. 

I am confident in stating that you are all aware of the many benefits of being a member of Dance Masters; as you have chosen this certification for you and your dancers. I would like to encourage each of you to participate, to get involved and to introduce your dancers and fellow teachers to the amazing opportunities and events within reach through a Dance Masters’ membership. 

Being a member is more than placing your certification sticker on your studio door, or using the letters behind your name. The membership is about opportunity, dance education and networking.  I personally have been attending and participating in Dance Masters for 15+ years. I have exposed my students to the DMA lifestyle and philosophy. They have attended workshops with well-known artists in the dance community. They have participated and been educated through Jr. Members. They have also prepared for, and have been educated in, the benefits of the Performing Arts Competition along with the Solo Title Competition.  These experiences have not only encouraged my dancers to become self-disciplined, and motivated to achieve personal goals, but they have helped them to form amazing friendships that will truly last a lifetime. I believe it is the development of these relationships between dancers, which makes the DMC Competition scene completely unique. 

(We are not competing against each other, we compete with each other.)

Attending a National Convention helps to make sense of “it” even more. Meeting and interacting with so many other dance teachers helps validate why we have chosen this crazy job as a career. Seeing familiar faces, year after year, helps to restore our faith and trust in this organization and the dance teacher world ... confirming that we are all still loving what we do!  I have met so many interesting and talented people over the course of my membership and I have had the opportunity to visit other regional and national Dance Masters chapters. This can happen for you if you choose get involved, to participate, and to make DMC an educational and fulfilling experience for your dance families. 


You can participate in our Annual Fall Workshop on Nov 22, 2015 in Stoney Creek. Your students can join our Jr. Members group or you can support our Performing Arts Competition. You can choose to select a few of your students to take part in the Solo Title Competition. You can volunteer for a committee. You can attend the Teachers Training School, send your students to the S.H.I.P program, or even become an examiner.  The opportunities are endless!  I encourage you all to lend your voice to keep our mission on course, and to offer change where needed. I cannot do this without you :). 

Be proud of the organization that you chose to belong to. Take advantage of it. Dance Masters of Canada can be everything you want it to be, but it will not do anything for you without your participation. I hope I have not scared you away!  I am looking forward to a great DMC season. 

All the best! 

Trish Thompson-Creamer 

DMC, Chapter #38

35-104 Frances Ave.

Stoney Creek, ON L8E 5W9​

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